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Siberian Sturgeon Caviar

Fish: Siberian Sturgeon | Acipenser Baerii sturgeon.

Taste: Delicate flavour with a unique finish.

Roe’s diameter: Between 2.5 – 2.8 mm.

Colour: Grey colour palette stretching from pearl grey to gun metal.

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White Sturgeon Caviar

Fish: White Sturgeon | Acipenser Transmontanus. White Sturgeon produces caviar when it is approximately 17 years old.

Taste: Rich and buttery taste that reminds us of Siberian Sturgeon Caviar.

Roe’s diameter: Between 2.7 – 3.3 mm.

Colour: Intense black or dark grey colour.

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About our Brand


Our farm was built approximately 30 years ago. With the purpose to get the black caviar without harming nature and restore the population of sturgeon. Italy, the very heart of prosperous Lombardy and natural park of the river Tormo with the purest water is a perfect fit for fish breeding! Conditions, as close as possible to natural, thorough balanced feed and availability of our own laboratory allowed us to breed healthy fish and produce unsurpassed TSARINE Caviar.

We raised all fish since incubation at least seven years, selected suitable food, placed in certain pools and carried out many analyzes. Therefore for each species, and sometimes for a specific individual we have developed unique recipes to maximize unsurpassed taste of black caviar.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Caviar, and what type of fish does it come from?

Black Caviar, also known as Sturgeon Caviar, is a salt-cured roe (eggs) of sturgeon, a large and ancient fish species. Sturgeon is the common name for the 28 species of fish belonging to the family Acipenseridae. Sturgeon caviar is highly prised for its rich flavor and unique texture.

  • What are the different types of sturgeon that produce Black Caviar?
  • Various sturgeon species contribute to Black Caviar production, including Beluga, Sevruga, Siberian Sturgeon, etc. Each type of caviar has distinct characteristics, such as size, color, and flavor profile.

  • How is Sturgeon Caviar harvested?

Sturgeon Caviar is harvested by extracting the roe from mature female sturgeon. This delicate process requires skilled professionals to ensure the quality and integrity of the caviar.

  • What is the flavour of Sturgeon Caviar?

Black Caviar is known for its complex flavour, often described as buttery, nutty, and briny. The taste can vary depending on the sturgeon species and the region where it is produced.

  • Is there a sustainable way to harvest Black Caviar?

Sustainable caviar farming practices focus on aquaculture methods, ensuring the well-being of sturgeon populations.

  • How should Black Caviar be stored to maintain its freshness?

Black Caviar should be stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator, preferably between -2 to +2 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to keep the caviar in its original packaging and consume it promptly after opening.

  • How to serve caviar?

Black Caviar should be served cold, the best in a bowl served over ice. Usually, black caviar is served on top of pancakes, with crispbreads, crackers, buttered bread, boiled eggs or potatoes. Our recommendation - with oysters. If you ask what to drink with black caviar, we would recommend Champagne or coffee.

  • What are the health benefits of consuming Black Caviar?

Black Caviar is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Consuming it in moderation may contribute to heart health, brain function and overall well-being.

  • Why is caviar packed in vacuum tins?

Our black caviar is packed in vacuum tins specially designed to keep it fresh. Vacuum-sealed metal tins help maintain the freshness and quality of caviar by preventing exposure to air. We offer a huge variety of tin sizes: available tin sizes for TSARINE Caviar are: 10g, 20g, 30g, 50g, 100g, 250g, 500g.

  • Where can I purchase authentic and high-quality Black Caviar?

Authentic Black Caviar is available at reputable seafood markets, gourmet stores and online retailers. It's essential to choose trusted suppliers to ensure the quality and authenticity of the caviar. To facilitate the legal caviar trade around the world and allow the easy identification of the source and origin of caviar, governments agreed at standardised labelling system for all caviar exports. To find those details look for the CITES number on the tin of caviar and learn how to read it, this will help you choose the best option.

  • What is the most expensive caviar in the world?

Golden Albino caviar is considered the most expensive caviar in the world. To order Golden Albino and other types of caviar that are not displayed on the website directly from our farm, please contact us via chat.

  • Where can I locate reviews for Tsarine Caviar?
  • Tsarine Caviar is prominently featured on Amazon, boasting hundreds of reviews.
  • Check reviews here.